Thursday, June 28, 2012

24 weeks....and knee high by the 4th of July

That was my pun at a corn joke...did you get it?  Although I will say most of the corn around here is about knee high which is pretty good for not having nearly enough rain. The babies and I are doing well.  They are growing well and are now about the size of an ear of corn.  They got to go on their first trip to the beach and first 'camping' trip in the last couple of weeks.  When I say camping, I mean taking the other kids fishing and having a camp out in Nana & Papa's camper in their front yard.  As much as I LOVE to go camping, I think that is completely out of the question for this year, which is sad, but who really wants to sleep on an air mattress 7 months prego?

The shots I started last time are going well.  I have been having my dad give them to me on the weeks when I don't have a doctor appointment so I don't have to go in every week.  Although I will say the more I take them the more they are starting to hurt/burn when they are administered.  What we women do for our children!   The doctors are happy again with how things are progressing.  So far there I haven't had a whole lot of problems.  No random infections (yeast or UTI) and the one I am most proud of - no cankles!  I have had very little swelling this time around which is actually very surprising.  But I'll take it.  I am feeling pretty good. I am starting to get the pregnancy waddle down fairly well.  I swear as  much as you try not to waddle, you can't avoid it, especially towards the end of the day when all you want to do is sit with your feet up.  The babies heart rates where at 134 and 143 today.  And they are moving like crazy.

The heat up here in Northwest Indiana is really kinda getting to me.  I usually don't complain about the heat....its not bothered me for any of the three pregnancies (and it was 115 degrees in Alabama on moving day when I was 6 months along with the Little Man.)  But this one is starting to kick my butt.  I feel like I am melting after a few moments out in the sun.  The solution has been to not go outside until the sun starts setting.  Which it probably better for the kids anyways so they don't get sunburned and such.  I just hate being inside all day long.  I am praying for rain, for the crops and local farmers' sanity and also so the fire ban is lifted for the 4th of July.  It's my favorite holiday!  I love everything about it.  The fireworks, the patriotism, and the picnics.  

Well enough of my rambling - here's on to my little fun facts.

How far along: 23 weeks 6 days today.  113 Days to go!!!! :)
Have you started to show yet:  Yes!! I am getting to the point that pants aren't comfortable anymore...I guess its going to be dresses for the remainder of this pregnancy.  
Total weight gain/loss: Am I am up 5.7 lbs from my starting.  I think I am doing fairly well for carrying twins!
Belly Button in or out? In
Rings on/off:  On as of right now.
Maternity Clothes:  Flip Flops & Shirt from Old Navy,  Skirt from Meijer.

Size of Babies: About 1 full pound and about  12 inches long - The length of an ear of corn! 
{picture source}
Weird Changes: I have a lot of pressure for obvious reasons, but I will say it is causing me to feel like I pulled muscles in certain places that I didn't think you could.  Its not horrible, but it does make walking long distances not so much fun.

Sleep: Still getting a decent amount, but its starting to get very uncomfortable.  There is lots of tossing and turning...well slowly rolling over.
Best moment this week: Big L asking daily how the babies are doing.  He is really interested in how they are growing.

Movement: It never gets old watching your belly jump.  These babies are becoming more active and each of them has a different time when they are most active.  I am hoping that's not a sign of what to come.  :)
Stretch marks? Should I trace the road map out on my belly...oh wait its already done for me. 

Symptoms:  Still very tired.  
Labor Signs: None and I am hoping those shot work their magic!!!

Food cravings: I am just trying to eat anything that will go down at the moment.  Nothing ever seems to really sound good these days...except for maybe ice cream.
Food aversions: Fish and most pork

Pregnancy best friend: With all this wonderful heat in the Midwest right now.  I am going to have to say flowy dresses, tank tops and air conditioning!  I have been buying any dresses I can that fit.  I also am going to try and make some with these patterns I purchased today.    

Gender prediction: The doctors know, but we are still guessing.  ;) 

What I miss: Breathing when I bend over.
What I am looking forward to: Seeing how much this belly of mine is going to grow in the next 3 months.

Weekly Wisdom: Sleep when you can!!!!!!

Milestones: On July 3rd it will be Miss E's 3rd Birthday!  And July 8th is our 6th Anniversary!!!!

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