Friday, June 8, 2012

21 weeks...over half way!

We had our 20 week appointment yesterday (6/7/2012 - 20weeks 6 days).  The doctor was pleased how everyone is growing and how things are progressing.  We had an ultrasound on Monday with the high risk specialist, and he was also very please with the readings.  I also started on a shot today that I am going to have to do weekly.  It is supposed to help with preterm labor.  Every week (day) I can keep these babies cookin', I will do what I have to.  Which is saying quiet a bit, since I HATE shots and I am going to try and do them on my own.  EEK!

I am feeling pretty good.  My energy levels come and go.  I have been able to do more than I thought, but lately I have been feeling very exhausted.  I am kinda thinking I am still trying to catch up with the lost sleep and excitement of our Chicago adventure this past weekend.  We finally used our tickets to go see Blue Man Group (we've had them for 3 years) and also went to the German May Fest with some friends.  It was a great weekend, but all that walking while 5 months prego makes a lady tired.  We got very lucky with some beautiful weather.  And ate some amazing food!  It's fun to have a 'date' weekend every once in a while to reconnect and feel like an adult for a little while.

How far along: 21 weeks today.  133 Days to go!!!! :)
Have you started to show yet:  Yes!! I am starting to run out of shirts already that will cover my growing baby bump.
Total weight gain/loss: We are slowly gaining.  I am up 4.3 pounds from my starting weight.
Belly Button in or out? In
Rings on/off:  On as of right now.
Maternity Clothes:  Jeans & Shirt from Old Navy,  Belt & Shoes from Target.

Size of Babies: About 7 inches or 11 ounces - The size of a banana! 
{picture source}

Weird Changes: My appetite changed again.  I am fighting myself to eat, most likely because I am running out of room in there. 

Sleep: Depends on the night.  Some nights are great....others I don't think I get more that a few hours of actual sleep accompanied by lots of tossing and turning.

Best moment this week: Enjoying our date weekend in Chicago!  I love spending time with my hubby!

Movement: Lots!!!  These babies I think throughly enjoyed  Blue Man Group!  I am pretty sure they were dancing the entire time...and my bladder proved that by the end of the show.

Stretch marks? They are really becoming more pronounced.  

Symptoms:  Tired and easily worn out....I am enjoying the afternoon naps :) 
Labor Signs: None and hoping to keep it that way for a long time.

Food cravings: I have been not feeling super well in this department.  I make things that sounded good at first and by the time I am finished making it, I want nothing to do with it.  Which makes eating really hard.  Still eating though - I am loving the fresh salads and fruit!
Food aversions: Fish and most pork

Pregnancy best friend:  My Chaco Sandals!  I LOVE them!  I purchased them a few years ago during my 3rd pregnancy, but they are still in amazing shape.  They are great for walking and hiking.  And for prego feet they give just the right amount of support.  (I have no affiliation with Chaco...I just love their shoes!)
Zong X EcoTread™

Gender prediction: The doctors know, but we are still guessing.  ;) 

What I miss: Being able to bend over well.  My feet are quickly getting out of reach.
What I am looking forward to:  Letting the kids feel the babies kick.  The kicks are stronger but still not enough to feel them really well on the outside.

Weekly Wisdom: Sleep when you can!!!!!!

Milestones: Made it to the half way mark!!!!  Only four months until we meet our new little ones!

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