Friday, December 2, 2011

Handmade Christmas Cheer: {Wall Hangings}

Day 2 of bringing you my Handmade Christmas.  

I needed a new wall hanging and my mom was looking for one to give as a gift as well.  I found a picture that I liked on a cake pan at Joann's.  (I'll get my inspiration from anywhere!)

It seemed to be their Christmas theme this year, but I just loved it.  They didn't have a pattern for it anywhere, so I made one off of a gift card box I picked up in the store.  Don't mind my not very well decorated shelf...its a work in progress. 

This is how it turned out...

My other wall hanging I made, was based this Christmas card design that I saw featured here
 And I couldn't resist those reindeer.  I think it turned out pretty well myself.

I just used lite fusible web with the patterned traced on it and adhered it to felt.  After cutting the image out I ironed it on my fabric and then sewed around the edges.  It was fairly easy.  I did use woven fusible interfacing on the top  to give it a little more stiffness. 

Hope you have enjoyed!  Thanks for reading!

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