Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Happy Homemaker Monday! {1/27/2014}

Happy Monday!  What a week!!!!!  We've had snow. Blowing, drifting, accident causing snow.  I swear I have never been so nervous waiting for my husband get home until this crazy winter.  We've been to the doctors office twice - once with L and then the second time was with all 5 (and my mom)!  Not looking forward to doing that again anytime in the near future.  Currently I have all five kids on antibiotics for a mixture of bronchitis and ear infections.  I myself am headed in to the doctor today for this lovely head cold/sinus thing I've got going on.  I pulled the big guns though this time and am going to an actual Ear-Nose-Throat doctor to see what we can do about this 'chronic' sinus infection.  Last time I went to ENT I wanted to punch the man in the face (I am not a violent person by any mean)...let just say I didn't know I had a problem until he got finished fixing it.  Hoping that this trip is more relaxed and productive.

The weather: F.R.I.G.I.D.!!!!!!!!  It's going to be in the negatives for the next few days.  And more snow is predicted.  I am pretty sure Monday and Tuesday its going to be warmer in Alaska than it will be here in Northwest Indiana.

On my reading pile: Blog notes and how-to's

On my TV: A Bug's Life - Snow day movies

On the menu for this week:  We've been trying to get a better healthy dinner routine down.  I've been following the Skinny Moms 'Supper Club.'  We pick and choose due to our schedule, picky kids and what I have on hand.  So far we've liked what things I have made.  Here is what we are eating this week.

Monday – Skinny Blackened Salmon & Skinny French Country Salad (it was divine!!!)
Wednesday – Hearty Minestrone Soup and Home-made Bread
Thursday – Leftovers
Friday – Fun Fair at L's School
Saturday – Savory Sauerkraut and Sausage...my hubby's favorite!
Sunday – Super Bowl food....keeping it simple and low fat!

On my to do list: LAUNDRY (it's never ending!), Make a cake and cookies for the cake walk for the Fun Fair, Thank you notes and Pictures for Christmas (I'm behind I know), Work on scrapbook pages for last year.

AddyLou projects for the week:  Wall hanging (with tutorial) & bibs for valentines day, Finish a diaper bag to list as a new mommy set (I am excited about this one), Work on a custom order of 'un-paper' towels, work on making my blog prettier...Still working on things from last week.  It was hard to get sewing with sick kiddies.

What I am cooking: Nothing this morning.  Lots of things going on!

Looking around the house: There is a chair blanket fort in my living room and legos EVERY WHERE!

Highlight of the past weekend: Going to lunch with my hubby and kids.  For taking all five out to eat...They all did very well.

Looking forward to this week: Super bowl with friends  

Bible verse, Devotional, Inspiration:  

 From the camera:  Didn't take may pictures last week because the kids were sick.

Have a wonderful day!  Thanks for reading!

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