Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The twins have arrived!!! {part 1}

For those of you who follow me I apologize for my absence the last two months.  I did not mean to leave so abruptly.....but the babies have arrived!!!!  Slightly unexpectedly I might add too.  The last few weeks have been a learning period mixed with a little chaos trying to get to know the new little ones and regain a little order in our ever growing household.  Here's our birth story!

Thursday, September 13, 2012
The day started out just fine.  Other than me feeling huge and little "off."  I was feeling ok, just really tired and I could tell my body was starting to get ready for delivery day.  I got all three older kids dressed fed and dropped Lucas off at school for the morning.  He had picture day that day - and he did a really good job smiling too.  I took Emma and Dylan to my mother's so that she could watch them while I went to my (almost) 35 week doctor appointment.  I was still feeling ok, the contractions that I had been trying so hard to keep under control were starting to pick up for the day.  They didn't hurt, I just knew they were happening and getting closer, but they were not regular.   Unlike the night before when they were five to ten minutes apart for the better part of the evening and then just stopped.

At my doctor appointment I ended up seeing the nurse practitioner, Pat because my doctor had got called down to an emergency C-section right as she was coming in for my visit.  All my vitals were fine, the heart beats were great, and the babies were moving all over the place.  The only changes were that I had dropped slightly from the week before and had dilated from one centimeter to two over the course of the week.  We had discussed my sceduled c-section on October 8th.  Everything was looking normal for the day.  After the visit I went up for my NST (non-stress test) like I had been for the last few weeks, where the day got interesting.

I got to know all the OB nurses at St. Anthony's really well over the final weeks of this pregnancy.   When I arrived on the OB floor, was was taken to the room I was to do the NST in.  Instead of being in a observation room like usual, I was taken to a labor & delivery room - odd.  There was three nurses in there working on getting things ready, and handing me a gown to put on - again odd.  As I am getting things ready to change, in walks another nurse with an IV pole.  Now I am no doctor or nurse, but I have had enough babies to know something was up. I was informed that my doctor had discussed my office visit and decided today was the day - we were having babies!

Let me tell you, I about had a panic attack.  Had it not been for the calming breathing I had been working on most of the morning I probably would have.  My brain was on over drive!!!!  Brian was not there.  (Good thing I asked him that morning if something went on would he be easily reached and thankfully he was actually on his way back to the office from a meeting.)  I didn't have anything ready for my kids to spend the night anywhere.  Most of my baby stuff was not ready - including the nursery. And we had NO names picked out at all!! The only thing I had prepared was my bag that I had hastily thrown together that morning 'just in case.'

My doctor finally came in and explained why we were having babies today.  Remember that monitoring that I had been doing at home? Well the last two weeks I had been exceeding my allowed amount of contractions in a one hour period on a daily basis.  And the fact that the night before and that morning the intensity was increasing, with carrying twins, she didn't want my scar from my c-section with Dylan to rip.

Brian got there by 11:30 am and we were wheeled down to the OR by 12:30 pm. (I will say I am glad most of this was unexpected, I don't know how well I would have done if I had to anticipate a c-section for multiple days as opposed to just 2 hours.) I was able to be awake for the entire surgery again and I was definitely more alert this time around too. With Brian by my side and me tightly squeezing his fingers, we were delighted to finally find out at 1:19 pm we had one healthy, screaming little GIRL; followed at 1:20 pm by another healthy, hollering little GIRL!!! Seriously one of the most beautiful sounds!  Daddy was so excited and proud - I have loved that look he gets each time we have had a baby.  It makes my heart swell!!

Welcome Anna & Audrey!!!
We finally decided on names  - Anna Marie and Audrey Belle.  I think they match our beautiful new additions quiet well.

An excited Dad & a very tired Mom finally holding our baby girls!
Our birth announcement that I made
  Apparently September 13 was the day to have babies too, we were the third c-section of the day, with a total of eight babies born that day.  There was a total of eleven babies born by the end of the week. The rest of the day was a blur of excitement, visiting, feeding babies and exhaustion.  We are excited to have Anna & Audrey finally here with us.  Although the next few days after proved to be a little more trying.  But more on that in another post.

Hope you have enjoyed our story.  Thanks for reading!

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