Tuesday, July 24, 2012

27 weeks... we are entering the 3rd trimester!!!

July has been a very busy month!   Between getting ready for babies and attempting to survive the heat, and the 4th of July, its been just crazy.   

We've had birthdays - Emma's 3rd (July 3), My father-in-laws (July 7), my dad's (July 17) and my 29th (July 21).  

We've had 3 weddings - July 7, 14 and 21 for friends and cousins (one of which we were there in spirit).

 We celebrated our 6th anniversary on July 8th.  Wow a lot has happened in the last 6 years!

 And to top it off we walked the in the Parade for Relay for Life with my hubby's work July 14th and then on the  29th we have a family reunion. 

 Do you think we can fit any more activities into one month?  HAHA.   And the belly is ever growing.  I am getting more easily worn out from doing simple things, like grocery shopping.  It just takes it out of you.  The Relay for Life, did me in.  I was exhausted when we got home.  It wasn't really a long parade route, but when you have to waddle most of the distance and its like 93 degrees it takes its toll.  The kids had fun though.

I had my monthly ultrasound back on July 10.  Things are looking great.  The high risk specialist was impressed with how things were progressing.  Both babies are growing nicely.  And everything is looking good.  This what we, as parents like to hear - "All is well."  I am feeling well. The pictures weren't the greatest that they gave us.  You all are just going to have to wait until the next one to see them. Sorry.  My doctor is very happy with how things are going.  We are measuring out at 32 weeks - which is right on target for a twin pregnancy. She was happy that all my blood tests came back great - sugar levels were great and I am not anemic.  She was so happy with it all but didn't want to jinx anything either.

How far along: 27 weeks 4 days!  Approximately 87 days to go!!!!
Have you started to show yet:  If you miss that I am pregnant now, you might be not very observant. I am getting rather on the large side.
Total weight gain/loss: Am I am up 7.5 lbs from my starting.  I think I am doing fairly well for carrying twins!
Belly Button in or out? In
Rings on/off:  On as of right now, but that may be changing in the very near future.
Maternity Clothes:  Infinity dress from Babies N Bellies.  Jewelry from JCP

Size of Babies: According to Baby Center they are about 2 lbs, the size of a head of cauliflower and about 14.5 inches long.
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Weird Changes: Not really anything new as of right now. Just sore from the belly growing and stretching.

Sleep: Depends on the night.  Most nights I go to bed exhausted, but sleep is hard to come by.  Between insomnia, bathroom breaks and not finding a comfortable position, it makes it kind of hard to sleep well.
Best moment this week: Letting the kids feel the babies kick!

Movement: Some days I feel like there are aliens in my belly.  These babies are all over the place.  Kicking, using my bladder as a trampoline and my heart as a punching bag.  But I wouldn't trade all that for the world.  I love feeling them move and play!
Stretch marks? eek...who really wants to talk about those!
Symptoms:  Still very tired and worn out easily.  
Labor Signs: None so far.  I am keeping my prayers going and my fingers crossed that these lovely shots continue to do what they supposed to do.

Food cravings: I am just trying to eat anything that will go down at the moment.  Nothing ever seems to really sound good these days...except for maybe ice cream.
Food aversions: Fish and most pork

Pregnancy best friend: Blanqui.  It is a pregnancy shaper/support.  It has been wonderful. Not so much with all the heat, but its great especially for all the events we've been to lately where I am standing and moving around all day.  It helps keep my back from getting sore and alleviates some of the pressure down below.  It was a little pricey, but it was a worth while 9 month plus investment!!!
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Gender prediction: The doctors know, but we are still guessing.  ;) 

What I miss: Getting out of the couch with out looking like I am struggling.
What I am looking forward to: Getting the nursery together and the final things finished before the babies arrive.

Weekly Wisdom: If it doesn't get done today, there is always tomorrow.  :)

Milestones: We've made it to the third trimester!  The count down is really on now!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ruth,
    Just read your post on your pregnancy. So glad you are feeling good especially in this crazy summer heat we have been having. I will be praying for you in this last round of weeks ahead. The kids are so cute and of course growing so fast. you take care and tell Brian I said HI!! Debbie


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