Its funny how life can seem so busy at times, but when you look back and reflect on the day, you think ..."Man I really didn't accomplish a whole lot." That seems to be the story of my life lately. I am behind on cleaning, laundry, projects, things are piling up. So this year my resolutions are taking on the shape of things that I NEED to get done. Here it goes!
**Purge the house of unwanted/used things **
It's amazing how much stuff you can accumulate in 5 years of being married and with three kids! Good Will is going to be getting a nice donation from this household as I take on each room!!
(So far 3 down 5 more to go!)
**Make a daily routine and stick to it!!**
I grew up with one, you'd think that I would be able to keep one going in my home. I have started this and also am working toward getting the kids involved and started in on their daily chores.
(So far this is going ok and the kids are doing great with it)
**Organize the 'office'**
Since we moved back to Indiana my usually anal office organization has gone out the window. I have become a slacker and don't have things within easy access and in all sorts of disorganized piles. I am working toward getting that back in order.
**Get our family Memories and Baby Books caught up.**
I used to be on top of this, but three kids later, not so much. I love taking pictures, but they are not doing any good just sitting on my computer.
**Work toward making my ETSY shop and Blog a success**
This is one of the things I am doing for myself. Its my passion. I love to create and really want to share my love for creating with everyone.
**Create a Healthy and Active Routine**
Another thing that I am mainly doing for myself (family by default- if mom does it so are you!). I have never been one to really complain about how I look, but I would love to get my body 'back'. Not that it is ever going to look like a super model, I don't really want that look. I would just to get to the point that clothes fit the way they are supposed to and maybe get the 'sexy' feel back.
**Grow in my faith **
One of the things I really need to work on. Yes I pray and talk to God, and try to teach my kids the way. But its something that I struggle with keeping in my daily routine. I get too 'busy' and 'forget' but I am going to try harder!!!!!
**Sit back and take time to ENJOY!!**
Something I think we all need to do more often. We all need to take time and enjoy the little things in life.
Each month I am going to try and give an update on how my resolutions are going. Hopefully this will keep me in check and do what I am setting out to do.
How about you? What are your resolutions or goals for 2012? How are you doing so far? Big or small I would love to hear about it.
Have a wonderful weekend! Thanks for reading!
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