Friday, November 11, 2011

Creative Friday 5 {Gluten Free}

Last Friday I received the results of my allergy test that I finally broke down and took.  Surprisingly it didn't come up with what I thought it was going to.  Although it came up with some allergies I wasn't expecting:
cola, tarragon, propyl gallate (a food additive), D&C #33, Benzyl Acetate, Carob(used as a chocolate sub. in health food stores), lemon, raspberry, additives in certain foods, sucanat (cane juice), and a few that dealt with pollutants and pesticides found in city water (makes you feel safe, right??).  
But the big one that came up was BARLEY.  eek!  
We don't eat a lot of barley here, besides maybe in some breads and beer (which I only drink on the occasion).  So in talking with the Doctor, he suggested that it might be a signal that there is a Gluten/wheat issue that is being thrown off by something. 
So the plan of attack:  NO pop, NO city water (only filtered), NO gluten grains, and NO dairy for the next 6 months!!! (These holidays are going to be interesting!!)

Hence now I am on a Gluten and Dairy Free Diet
Now after a week of this diet. I can honestly say its not been that bad.  Finding things for lunch has been probably the hardest.   Or a least something quick.  I am proud that I haven't touch the kids Halloween candy that is still lingering here.  I have made some AMAZING food this week that EVERYONE has enjoyed! (which can be hard to do at times in this house!).

Any way back to what today's post is really about.
My Creative 5 this week are some things that I have found that made this transition to gluten and dairy free a little easier.

I ordered this book back when I found out my sister couldn't eat dairy.  It is a wonderful cookbook!  Her recipes are easy to make, use ingredients you have on hand and are not out of the ordinary.  And she makes it so you can switch it to all-purpose flour and cows-milk if you want.  I have made lots of things out of here already, and am working on cooking my way through it!
She also has a website/blog that has more recipes and support.

Great blog with ways to go gluten free, recipes, coping with the change and more.  Can't wait to continue reading more about how to cook gluten free.  

Thai Coconut Chicken
This recipe was amazing!  I loved it!  And the best part was it too just about 30 minutes to make.  Perfect when your kids are screaming at you to eat! I did substitute an asparagus stir fry mix I had on hand instead chopping up fresh veggies.  
(sorry about the bad picture...wish I would have taken one of what mine looked like)

I thought this was a good basic run down to get started with.  Helped me at least clean my kitchen out of things I am not supposed to eat.

Big, Fluffy, Gluten-Free Buttermilk Biscuts
Don't these look just amazing? I am soo going to attempt these this weekend to have with our soup and salad night!


  1. That Thai Coconut Chicken from Allrecipes is one of the first recipes I ever got from that site a few years ago, when the husband and I were still very new to cooking real food (vs. out of a box). I've somehow forgot about that dish until now, but I used to make it quite a bit. It is VERY good, and I loved that I could throw whatever veggies I had on hand in there. Thanks for the reminder, that's going back on our menu! =)


  2. I am glad you re-found it! I think that's what I am making again for dinner tonight. Love your blog! Thanks for visiting mine!


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